Waterborne Diseases
Water for the Underprivileged

Project Summary
Concentration for AP 3D Art. The central idea of my concentration is to visually express the discrepancy between the privileged and underprivileged people in the world through main necessities of life. Each project relates to a necessity of life. Mainly through contrast I showed the major differences between the privileged and underprivileged in relation to wealth, education with people inspired by Kara Walker, and transportation. To represent employment is an abstract architectural piece, inspired by Santiago Calatrava and Frank Gehry, supported by what alludes to terrace farming in order to show how privileged people are able to do more advanced work because of the support of the underprivileged. In all of these pieces I used proportion/scale putting the underprivileged part below and generally smaller than the privileged. Representing water for the privileged is a tea set and for underprivileged is a set with designs of waterborne diseases around and inside. Many of my pieces use repeated elements to give them a sense of unity, such as the cityscape, tea set, and pitcher with glasses. Representing health for the privileged is a clock set on 4:15 representing the year the international community hopes to achieve their Millennium Development Goals, 2015. To represent health for the underprivileged is a malnourished child sitting by a cherry blossom, a Japanese symbol of the transience of life.